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The show opens with a recap of some of the matches on the Chris Jericho Cruise, as well as a preview for some of tonight’s matches. Excalibur, Jim Ross, and Tony Schiavone are on commentary from Cleveland, Ohio.

Jon Moxley makes his way to the ring. He says the fun and games with Jericho are over and Jericho is the final obstacle in his way to the top of the mountain. Moxley says Jericho is the type of man who orchestrates gang beat downs and hides behind groups. Moxley says he had made every mistake in the book, but he can at least look himself in the mirror. He calls Jericho a manipulator and a bully, and says he hates bullies. He says he will take Jericho out and take the AEW World Championship from him. He says he is running out of patience and says he wants to kick Jericho’s ass tonight. He calls Jericho out and tells him to take the beating like a man. Jericho’s music hits and Le Champion comes to the stage.
He calls the crowd a bunch of idiots and says Moxley earned the spike to his eye a few weeks ago when he turned down the offer to join The Inner Circle. He calls Moxley stupid and says he even told Moxley’s mother that it was his own fault. Jericho says Moxley doesn’t even have what it takes to blink with both eyes and tells the crowd to go to hell for wanting to see a fight. Jericho says he does not go anywhere without his boys, and the rest of The Inner Circle joins him on the stage. Moxley says it’s not five against one anymore, because he was born and raised in Ohio. He says it is five against the entire arena, and he likes those odds.
Jericho calls Moxley stupid and says they brought in some extra help thanks to Santana and Ortiz. A group of guys walk to the stage and join them, to make it ten against Moxley. Jericho says he will beat the hell out of everyone and he will start with Moxley. Moxley drops Ortiz with a Paradigm Shift and charges at the other nine guys. Referees and others rush out to separate everyone and Moxley drops one of them with a Paradigm Shift. Moxley leaves through the crowd as he and Jericho stare each other down.

A vignette for MJF paying off The Bunny so The Butcher and The Blade will take care of The Young Bucks is shown.

Match #1 – Tag Team Match: The Butcher and The Blade (w/The Bunny, MJF, and Wardlow) vs. The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson)
Butcher and Nick start the match and Butcher takes Nick down to the mat. Matt tags in and delivers a kick to the face. Nick tags back in and delivers a double sledge, then Matt does the same, then Nick tags in and delivers a double stomp. Blade tags in, but Nick does as well and The Bucks take Bade to the mat. Butcher gets into the ring and takes out the Bucks. Nick tags in and kicks Butcher in the face and delivers a few shots to Blade. Nick kicks Butcher in the face, but Bunny pulls Nick off the apron. Butcher drops Nick with a cross-body on the floor and then Blade takes Matt out with a dive as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Butcher and Blade double team Nick with clotheslines in the ring. Butcher delivers a gut-buster and leaves the ring. Nick tries to fight back against Blade and tags in Matt. Matt takes Blade out with a cross-body and delivers shots. Matt kicks Butcher in the face and takes Blade out with Sliced Bread. Matt delivers a superkick to Butcher on the floor and delivers an elbow drop to Blade. Matt goes for the cover, but Blade kicks out. Nick tags in and connects with a senton on Blade. Nick goes for the cover, but Butcher breaks it up. The Bucks delivers a double superkick to Butcher and take Blade out with the Meltzer Driver and Nick gets the pin fall.
Winners: The Young Bucks
-After the match, Butcher attacks The Bucks and stomps them down. Kenny Omega rushes the ring and takes Butcher down with a V Trigger. Adam Page saunters to the ring in no hurry and then flips into the ring and takes Blade out with the Buckshot Lariat. Page finishes his beer and leaves the ring.

The video hype package for AEW Revolution is shown. The event will be on Saturday, February 29th from Chicago, Illinois.

Match #2 – Singles Match: Big Swole vs. Nyla Rose
Swole takes Rose to the mat and slams her face into the mat. Swole goes for the cover, but Rose kicks out. Rose comes back and delivers a right hand, but Swole connects with a leg lariat that sends Rose to the floor. Swole goes for a kick, but Rose trips her up on the apron. Rose slams Swole into the barricade, but Swole comes back and slams Rose into the ring post as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Rose is in control of Swole. Rose slams Swole in the corner and charges, but Swole moves and locks in a front chancery. Rose gets free, but Swole kicks her in the face. Swole delivers a few shots, but Rose counters with a headbutt. Swole comes back with one of her own and then kicks Rose in the back of the head. Swole delivers a Cutter and goes for the cover, but Rose kicks out. Swole takes Rose down with a Flatliner and goes for an elbow shot, but Rose counters with a Spear. Rose delivers the Beast Bomb and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Nyla Rose

Match #3 – Singles Match: Kip Sabian (w/Penelope Ford) vs. Cody (w/Arn Anderson)
Sabian dropkicks Cody into the corner and delivers a gut-buster. Cody comes back with a side headlock, but Sabian gets free. Cody delivers an uppercut and kicks Sabian in the face. Sabian rolls to the floor and shoves Anderson before getting back into the ring. Cody delivers a dropkick and Sabian goes back to the floor. Cody goes to the floor and Ford gets taken out. Cody checks on her, but Sabian kicks Cody in the face and Ford reveals she was faking the injury. Sabian and Ford make out on the apron and Anderson checks on Cody as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, both men are down in the ring. They get up at the six count and Cody takes Sabian down with a clothesline. Cody delivers a series of shots in the corner and drops Sabian with a power slam. Cody goes to throw his weight belt to the crowd, but Ford steals it. Cody drops Sabian with the Disaster Kick and goes for the cover, but Sabian kicks out. Ford throws a shoe in the ring and Anderson gets it and brings it into the ring. Anderson bumps the referee and gets ejected from ringside. Ford drops Cody with a hurricanrana on the floor and Sabian takes him out with a dive. Sabian and Ford try to kiss on the floor, but Janela gets in between them and they both accidentally kiss him instead. Cody takes Sabian down and tosses him back into the ring. Sabian delivers a dropkick and a neck-breaker. Sabian goes for the cover, but Cody kicks out. Sabian takes Cody up top, but Cody counters with an elbow. Sabian comes back with an enzuigiri, but Cody counters with a headbutt.
Sabian comes back with a hurricanrana and goes for the Deathly Hallows, but Cody counters and hits the Cody Cutter. Cody delivers Cross Rhodes three times and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Cody

A replay of Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D running down Schiavone on the Jericho Cruise is shown. Back live, Schiavone interviews Baker. Baker says Schiavone didn’t offend her last week and they are a dream team. She says she was trending while he was holding the microphone. She says the real offense was Jim Ross interrupting her last week. She says all he talks about when she is in the ring is that fact that she is a dentist. She says he is critical of the Women’s Division and tells him to be the legend he is and not a barbecue sauce salesman who can’t get the women’s names right. She says she will be here every week, which is more than can be said about Riho. She diagnoses Schiavone with gingivitis and tells him to get a toothbrush. She says Cleveland finally has a Baker they can trust in and leaves.

Lexy Nair is backstage with The Bucks and Omega. The Bucks says they are excited about tonight and then talk about The Dark Order. Page walks in and says the tag titles now have their name plates on them and then hands The Bucks their own name plates and says they might need them someday. Omega says the four of them will take on The Butcher and The Blade and a team of their choosing next week.

Match #4 – Tag Team Match: SCU (Frankie Kazarian and Scorpio Sky) (w/Christopher Daniels) vs. The Hybrid2 (Angelico and Jack Evans)
Angelico and Kazarian start the match and Angelico applies a wrist-lock. Kazarian gets free, but Angelico goes right back to the hold. Kazarian counters into one of his own and takes Angelico down. Kazarian applies a side headlock, but Angelico gets free. Kazarian drops Angelico again and applies another side headlock. Kazarian rolls up Angelico, but only gets a two count. Sky tags in and takes Angelico to the mat. Sky goes for the cover, but Angelico kicks out. Kazarian tags in and suplexes Angelico to the mat. Kazarian goes for the cover, but Angelico kicks out again. Evans and Sky tag in, but Evans and Angelico double team Sky. Sky comes back and tags in Kazarian. Kazarian drops Evans with a suplex and goes for the cover, but Angelico breaks it up. Sky tags in, but Evans takes him down. Evans goes for the cover, but Sky kicks out. Angelico tags in and he and Evans double team Sky. Angelico goes for the cover, but Sky kicks out as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Evans and Sky are the legal men and exchange shots. Sky drops Evans with a suplex and Angelico and Kazarian tag in. Kazarian takes out Evans and Angelico with Cutters and goes for the cover on Angelico, but Evans breaks it up. Sky tags in and SCU Takes Evans out with the SCU-Later and Sky gets the pin fall.
Winners: SCU
-After the match, The Dark Order appears on the screen. They address Christopher Daniels and Evil Uno says The Exalted One is very upset with Daniels. Uno says the Exalted One has instructed them to go after Daniels’ brothers in SCU.

A vignette for PAC airs. He tells Moxley to have fun with Jericho and if there’s anything left, maybe he can pluck Moxley’s other eyeball. PAC addresses Omega and says doing everything on Omega’s schedule doesn’t work for him. He says they are going to do it on his schedule and he is coming for Omega next week.
Also next week, Cody will take 10 lashes on live TV, plus Jon Moxley vs. Ortiz and Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. vs. Yuka Sakazaki. The Butcher and The Blade and Lucha Brothers will take on The Elite in the main event.

Match #5 – Six-Man Tag Team Match: The Inner Circle (Chris Jericho, Santana, and Ortiz) (w/Jake Hager and Sammy Guevara) vs. Darby Allin and Private Party (Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen)
Jericho and Allin start the match. Jericho slaps Allin in the face a few times and Allin answers back. Allin dropkicks Jericho and takes him down with an arm-drag. Jericho goes to his corner and tags in Ortiz. Kassidy tags in as well. Ortiz pokes Kassidy in the eye, but Kassidy comes back with a kick to the head. Quen tags in and they double team Ortiz. Quen connects with a double stomp and goes for the cover, but Ortiz kicks out. Quen delivers a dropkick, but Ortiz comes back with one of his own. Santana tags in and slams Quen to the mat. Jericho tags in and chops Quen. Ortiz tags back in and he and Santana get taken down by Quen. Kassidy tags in and knocks Santana and Jericho to the floor. Kassidy takes Ortiz down and goes for the cover, but Ortiz kicks out. Kassidy gets Ortiz with a crucifix pin, but Ortiz gets out again. Jericho makes a blind tag and takes Kassidy down with a kick to the face as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Kassidy and Jericho are in the ring. They exchange roll ups and then Santana tags in. Santana delivers a back-breaker and then Jericho and Ortiz get involved. Ortiz tags in and delivers a headbutt and goes for the cover, but Quen breaks it up. Santana tags back in , but Kassidy takes him down with a hurricanrana. Kassidy kicks Ortiz in the face and tags in Allin. Allin knocks Jericho to the floor and then drops Ortiz with a Stunner. Allin slams Santana a few times and then slams him to the mat. Allin goes for the cover, but Santana kicks out. Jericho hits Allin from the floor, but Quen takes Jericho out. Ortiz takes Quen out and Kassidy takes Ortiz down. Santana plants Kassidy with a Cutter and Jericho makes a tag. Allin takes Jericho out with a springboard moonsault and goes for the cover, but Jericho kicks out. Allin takes out Hager with a Coffin Drop and Quen takes out everyone else. Kassidy goes up top and connects with a senton to Jericho. Kassidy goes for the cover, but Jericho kicks out. Jericho comes back and hits the Judas Effect and gets the pin fall.
Winners: The Inner Circle
-After the match, The Inner Circle keep attacking Allin and Private Party. Moxley comes to the ring with a baseball bat and nails everyone in The Inner Circle with it. Jericho leaves the ring and yells at Moxley from the floor as the show comes to a close.Click Here: munster rugby shirts