“Media freedom is under threat now more than ever,” Reporters Without Borders said in its latest World Press Freedom Index, adding that these freedoms may now be at “a tipping point.”

The updated global indicator of the press freedoms journalists have reveals a grim situation, as almost two-thirds of the list of 180 countries have worsened. The 2017 index “reflects a world in which attacks on the media have become commonplace and strongmen are on the rise,” the Paris-based watchdog, which goes by its French acronym RSF, states.

Violating those freedoms is not limited to dictatorships, the group notes.

Take the United States, which sits at 43 on the list—a two-point drop since 2016.

The new report says that President Donald Trump has presented an “obstacle” to press freedom,” and “set off a witchhunt against journalists.” The group notes that he’s called the press an “enemy of the American people” and blocked White House access from major news organizations. RSF also notes that the Trump administration follows one that took an unprecedented attack on whistleblowers.

The U.K. also dropped two points and now comes in at 40. It saw its share of “press bashing” during its so-called Brexit campaign, while the Investigatory Powers Act and proposed new Espionage Act threaten journalists and whistleblowers.


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