Thanks to Glenn Moore for sending this in:

I’m Glenn Moore, the co-host of Jerry “The King” Lawler’s new podcast called ‘Dinner
With The King’. We launched today with the first episode and will be releasing a new
episode every Wednesday. You can find more information and links here:

During today’s first episode, Jerry reveals he will be doing commentary during one
WrestleMania match and appearing on the pre-show. He also goes over his new contract
with WWE, including when and where he got the phone call from WWE on status back in
December. It was later followed up by a phone call from Vince McMahon.

To listen to the podcast, click here.

— The Big Show recently spoke to Yahoo and revealed that his contract is set to expire next Febraury, at which time he feels he will be done as a regular, in-ring character.

— Show went on to say that he isn’t sure whether he will roll into an Ambassador’s type role, but sources report that he is expected to stay with the company in some capacity if he so chooses. Also, for anyone who is interested, our sources indicate that Show’s contract specifically runs out on February 9, 2018.

Now that you are in the best shape of your life, how much longer do you see yourself wrestling?

Big Show: I know I’m done February 2018. That’s when my contract ends as a full-time, live event guy. We’ll see what happens after that, whether I roll into an ambassador role or what WWE has for me. I know I’ve been with them for a long time and I have a great relationship with them. I also understand there’s a time for me to step aside and for other guys to step up. We got a lot of great new athletic talent that will probably be coming up at WrestleMania to be introduced. I don’t have any regrets or any shoulda, coulda, wouldas in my career. I’ve had a very blessed career with the greatest superstars this business has ever seen. And for me, it’s about giving that space up to those guys that are there to do it and me finding new challenges to help inspire and motivate me. That’s what I’ll be doing. Anything to keep from having to get a real job.