WWE broadcast team member Renee Young recently appeared as a guest on Busted Open Radio following her gig as fill-in announcer for Jonathan Coachman at the WWE SummerSlam 2018 go-home episode of RAW this past Monday night. Featured below are some of the highlights from the interview.

On her general reaction to calling RAW alongside Michael Cole and Corey Graves earlier this week: “I can’t believe that I survived that and it happened. My brain has not shut off since.”

On loving the idea of being added as a permanent commentator for RAW: “I hope so! Oh my gosh, I would be so happy if that was the case.

All I could think of afterward, and not even afterward — like during — you know like when you’re in the process of something happening and you don’t get to absorb it all? I mean I guess during a three-hour show you do get a moment to absorb it, but all I could think was, ‘man I want to keep doing this.’ It felt like so much fun, it just felt right. It felt right to me, and I loved that. It was great.”

On her past NXT work and pre-show panel work helping her be comfortable with the gig: “Definitely having reps under my belt of doing the kickoff shows and pre-show and post shows I think I did have such a better grasp now from when I did commentary years ago in NXT when I was so new working in this company.

“I really didn’t know what I was doing. Where now I’ve been able to get in more reps in at the booth in the Performance Center and the kickoff shows and everything I just have a better idea this time around on keeping my voice down and trying not to get too geeked out about the whole thing.”

On her respect for Cole and Graves growing after one time at the RAW announce table for the whole show: “I’ve always been able to understand how great Corey Graves is. Because I know him so well and I’ve his sort of journey to get to where he’s at. But, the respect I have for what Michael Cole does is on another level right now.

“That guy is the best of the best. I just finished calling 32 matches with him at the Mae Young Classic and watching that guy’s process is unbelievable. He is just the best so I knew I was in such great hands with Cole and Graves. I mean I just have the utmost respect for what those two do.”

Check out the complete Renee Young interview on Busted Open Radio at SiriusXM.com.

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