Former TNA star Samuel Shaw was recently interviewed by Mark Suleymanov of The Inquisitr. Here are some highlights of what Shaw said about:
Being lost in the shuffle at TNA:
“Some unfortunate circumstances occurred and everybody sort of knows I was sort heavy in a storyline with Santana Garrett – who was Brittany,” said Shaw. “We were in between TV deals, going from Spike TV to Destination America and we had some contracts coming up and I think she chose not to re-sign with TNA. That puts a damper on some future plans going forward [because] you gotta hit the reset button and while you’re hitting the reset button, you have 10 other talents they have plans for and look here, they have two-or-three new talents coming in. So my stuff got put on the back burner.”
His character limiting him:
“I think so, I don’t want to sound negative, I just thought it felt like being boxed in a corner. My character was presented and had a couple of feuds which didn’t really showcase a lot of wrestling. It was a lot of backstage vignettes, it was a lot of promos. To be honest with you, my presentation of the character, I was trying to do anything and everything possible not to be liked, in a sense. I didn’t want to have any cool moves or a finishing maneuver where people go ‘ooh and ahh.’ Because then they start liking you, you know what I mean?”
Wanting to work for Lucha Underground:
“I have not made it a secret that I was blown away by their product. To me, it was the most compelling wrestling on TV that I saw this past year. I loved the backstage vignettes, it was shot more like a movie and had a different vibe to it. Definitely more edgy and immediately felt like, this is somewhere I could thrive.”
* TRIPLE H Acknowledges Fans Are Unhappy & 3-Hours Of RAW Is Way Too Much