Receiving a Visa gift card is great, but making sure you’re actually able to use the balance is what is important. That’s why seeing how to convert Visa gift card to USDT has proven to be a good way to enjoy the value of your gift card – with the added flexibility, of course. Perhaps, you received a Visa gift card as a gift or you purchased it as part of a promotion. The latter being the most common, as a large number of stores offer discounts or bonus deals on Visa gift cards purchased through. It could have also been gotten it through websites that let you earn Visa gift cards for free by streaming videos, games, answering surveys, and the likes.
In the end, what really matters is making use of the gift card. As aforementioned, we will be showing you how to sell Visa gift card for USDT if you are in Ghana or Nigeria.
How To Sell Visa Gift Card for USDT in Nigeria or Ghana
The only logical way to get your Visa gift card balance converted to USDT is to sell on a gift card exchange platform. And you can find a variety of places where you can convert any gift card to USDT nowadays or buy gift cards, one of them is Prestmit. On this platform, gift card holders can convert gift cards for USDT, such as Google Play, Spotify, Nordstrom, Starbucks, Netflix, Airbnb, Adidas, Nike, Target, eBay, Sephora, iTunes, etc.
To sell your Visa gift card on this platform, all you have to do is register a Prestmit account on web or using the app (download the mobile app here)
Select Visa gift card as the type of gift card you are trading and enter the amount. Then, choose USDT as the preferred payment method (as you can sell gift cards for Bitcoin, Naira, Cedis, etc) Once payment is approved, you will be credited instantly.
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Keyword: vanilla gift card