Manager extraordinaire Stokely Hathaway, now working under the name Malcolm Bivens, finally made his debut on WWE NXT television Wednesday night, and brought with a force to be reckoned with.

Bivens debuted as a manager in 2014 as a part of the Ring of Honor roster, and is perhaps best known for his work in EVOLVE. He signed with WWE in March 2019 and has accompanied several up-and-coming names at NXT Live events since.

NXT Tag Team Champion Matt Riddle found himself on the receiving end of a nasty beatdown on this week’s show, jumped by two large men before Bivens sauntered out to the ring and introduced himself.

While the identities of the two mystery men were not revealed on camera or on WWE social media as of posting time, their names are Rinku Singh and Saurav Gurjar. The two Indian Superstars have been working NXT Live events together since September 2018.