Video —
This week on Being The Elite —
Kenny Omega explained the motivation for Matt and Nick Jackson turning heel.
The cold open —
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The Young Bucks heel turn from Dynamite’s closing segment was replayed.
The Elite —
Kenny Omega sat with Matt and Nick. He said they’ve changed the world, but the people have turned on them. He said that Matt and Nick had come to represent what he hates about modern wrestling by pandering to fans.
Omega said that no one else is on their level, they don’t do this because they love it, but because it’s their responsibility to show the world their greatness. He urged The Bucks to ditch their bright colors and gear, because there has to be a change in them. This was a serious promo and good work from Omega.
Matt Jackson and Brandon Cutler went for a quick skate backstage.
Dark Order —
Kris Statlander was in Anna Jay’s usual spot in the Dark Order lair. Stu Grayson began flipping out. 5 entered and had huge genitals.
Uno chastised Grayson for embarrassing him in front of the group. Alex Abrahantes staged an intervention and translated for the two, with the gag being that they were all speaking the same language and sitting five feet apart and didn’t need translation.
Miscellaneous bits —
Matt Hardy cut a promo on Darby Allin ahead of their falls count anywhere match this week. He said he’s here to leech off AEW, he pioneered the style that made Darby famous and he doesn’t care what the modern wrestling fan wants. This was an excellent promo.
The Vicious Vixens were having trouble selling their goods backstage. Ryzin the evil priest ate handfuls of Blue Chew, thinking they were candy.