If critics are still unable to pinpoint Kim Kardashian’s “talent,” here’s something she’s mastered: getting people’s attention. The reality TV star and beauty mogul is using her skills to get some face time with the man sitting in the world’s most powerful office, President Donald Trump. 

Last fall, Kardashian came across the story of Alice Johnson, a 62-year-old woman (and great-grandmother) serving a life sentence for a first-time non-violent drug offense. Johnson became involved in a drug conspiracy after losing her job of 10 years, and since 1997 has been in federal prison without the possibility of parole. Kardashian found Mic’s video about Johnson, and tweeted, “This is so unfair.”

In a new interview with Mic, Kardashian explains why Johnson’s story has inspired her to tackle criminal justice reform—and why she’s getting close to the Trump administration. She began working with high-profile L.A.-based lawyer Shawn Chapman Holley for help last fall, and also took on the case of Cyntoia Brown, who’s in prison for killing her rapist after falling victim to sex trafficking. It’s with Johnson’s case, however, that she’s making progress.

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“I’ve been in communication with the White House and trying to bring her case to the president’s desk and figure out how we can get her out,” Kardashian said, confirming rumors that she’s spoken with Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump’s husband and an adviser to Donald Trump. “Jared Kushner, who I’ve spoke to, has been really working on some criminal justice reform bills and I would love to sit and talk to them. I know they are internally talking about it, so, that’s such a huge step from where we started with that not even being on their radar.”

For Johnson, her only way out is clemency, which means the president must grant permission for her release. President Obama denied a previous request, despite her good behavior behind bars. Kardashian—who campaigned for Hillary Clinton back in 2016—says Johnson’s case has inspired her to help people in similar situations, and she wants to use her platform to do so moving forward. “I think she deserves a second chance at life,” she said.

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“Where I’m at in my life right now, just like, to go and spend my money buying material things just doesn’t satisfy me the way that it used to,” Kardashian said. “To save someone’s life and do that once a year, then that would make [my] heart fuller.”

Kardashian understands that she may face backlash for working with Trump, but releasing Johnson is her priority. “I’m not gonna stop that because people personally don’t like Trump,” she said. If she could meet with him, she knows exactly what she’d ask for. “I would explain to him that, just like everybody else, we can make choices in our lives that we’re not proud of and that we don’t think through all the way…I would just urge him to please pardon her,” she added.

Meanwhile, Kim’s big sis Kourtney also recently fled the Calabasas coop for Washington. The eldest Kardashian spoke to Congress last month about the need for stricter regulation of the beauty industry—something her family certainly knows a thing or two about. 

Anyway, if Kardashian wants to get Trump’s attention, maybe she could call on hubby Kanye West to send another tweet at the big man in charge, as it’s seemed to work in the past. Though we’d definitely advise against it.